Training resources

Key training resources to boost SMEs knowledge on Green and Circular Public Procurement

Training modules

Training course divided in 5 modules to have a wide overview of the different topics, offering external resources to depth in specific concepts.


Check the GREENER training course structure and principles.

Module 1

Discover the basis for working with GPP, its principles and the potential opportunities for SMEs.

Module 2

Understand the key vocabulary to read a tender and prepare a proposal.

Module 3

Know the specific sustainability requirements and requests from public authorities when implementing GPP.

Module 4

Learn how to promote the GPP in SMEs, through the implementation of an action plan.

Module 5

Find the necessary support to improve the chances for a successful application with specific methods for preparing the best proposal

Questionnaire modules

Practical exercises to assess your knowledge acquisition on Green and Circular Public Procurement

Questionnaire Module 1

Questionnaire Module 2

Questionnaire Module 3

Questionnaire Module 4

Questionnaire Module 5