Project Partners
The Greener consortium reach both industry and academic perspectives of public procurement

Cleantech Bulgaria is a business network for clean technologies, innovation and sustainable development. The organization is working actively to introduce resource-efficient solutions leading to a shift to new business models, such as the low carbon and circular economy. Cleantech Bulgaria is a catalyst for innovative solutions and a trusted partner of the business, public administration, science and education. We are focused on enabling collaboration, professional matchmaking, innovation and support commercial and strategic partnerships among different clusters, associations and companies that work in the field of greening business, the environment, education and innovation, connecting these elements into a single pivoting goal – enabling sustainable change towards an eco-conscious business and life.
Cleantech Bulgaria provides consulting and financing for innovative enterprises, start-ups support and access to an international network of experts, partners, clients and investors. So far over 275 companies have received financial and expert support. Our business network of partners consists of over 500 experts in various innovative fields.

BCO is the leading consulting company on the Bulgarian market over the past decade. The organization has a strong team of professionals - experts with extensive experience and expertise in the field of the management of EU funds and policies that together managed to impose a quality standard of work in the consulting sector in the country. Since its establishment in 2007 BCO Ltd. is a proven leader in providing consultancy services in the field of European projects and public procurement, thanks to the good planning, management and implementation of large and strategic consulting, infrastructure, research and innovative projects of national and local importance.
The Company has built a broad portfolio of successfully implemented contracts and qualitatively implemented projects in both the public and private sector for Contracting Authorities such as the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, a number of municipal administrations and other structures of central and local administration. Since 2015, BCO has been acting also as a Vocational training and education center “Without Borders' and is a licensed VET provider for training in 27 professions with 38 specialties. To date, over 300 individuals have received qualifications in various professional areas and have profited from the different vocational formats that BCO offers.

SFC is a not-for-profit organisation pursuing a public-private partnership approach in all the three main pillars of activities carried out:
- Education for Adult
- Business service
- Technical Assistance
The SFC consortium currently has over 80 members who form a widespread network throughout Italy. Members include management schools, training centers associated with Confindustria, the main association representing the Italian manufacturing and services sector. Confindustria is SFC’s main shareholder.
SFC is involved in designing and implementing the reskilling and upskilling paths for Adults, the training course for C-suite targets, upgrade of EQF 5 training courses at the national and European level. Founded in 1993, SFC is a VET Provider certified at the regional and national level, with many active VET - Vocational Education and Training innovation projects including the European pilot project “3LoE Center of Training Excellence for the Green Economy”.
SFC pursues a public-private approach consistent with European and National industrial development policies, by designing and delivering tailored technical assistance to companies and Public Administration.
SFC supports and develops research and innovation services in favour of business competitiveness, especially based on the Digitalisation, Industry 4.0, and Circular Economy pillars for growth.

SSSA is an Italian Public University located in Pisa (Italy), operating in the field of applied sciences. It comprises six Institutes (Biorobotics; Management; Law, Politics and Development; Life Sciences; Economics; Communication, Information and Perception Technologies). The Institute of Management has the broad mission of contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of managerial studies, educating managers for private and public organizations and generating a positive impact on the business environment and on society as a whole. It is active in three main research areas: Innovation, Sustainability and Health.
The Sustainability Management Laboratory (SuM Lab) research area combines knowledge of business management and policy making with the principles of sustainability, through scientific research and empirical investigation in the following areas: Environmental Management and Industrial Symbiosis; Energy and Resource Efficiency; Circular Economy and Natural Capital; Sustainable Products, Life-Cycle Thinking and Green Marketing; CSR and Accountability; Climate Change and Disaster management.
The SuM Lab research team has a high level of skills on technical analysis, socio-economic analysis, policy and regulation, management and training for the promotion of sustainability in both private and public organizations.
Sum Lab develops and implements innovative tools, guidelines and methodologies to contribute to the Green Deal, the European Commission’s strategy to implement the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Sum Lab has been managing European projects on sustainability & energy management since 2006.
CETEM is a non-profit scientific research and training organisation located in the south east of Spain. Created as an initiative of private companies, CETEM aims at transferring any kind of innovation to industries, especially SMEs, actively contributing towards their socioeconomic development through consultancy services, Research and Development activities, and the arrangement of training programmes dependent on the industry needs. Nowadays, CETEM is an organisation comprised of almost 100 associated companies. Most of them are SMEs in continuous search of ways to innovate their products and above all through brand-new and sometimes risky designs that increment their value.
Through the different technology areas of the institution (Robotics; Product Engineering; Industrial Technology; Electronics and automation; and Materials, adhesives and polymers), CETEM provides companies with cutting-edge technology support in an industrial-friendly way and assist them in performing research and innovation activities in different areas.
Moreover, as training provider, CETEM manages more than 30 training programmes per year, involving more than 200 students and more than 4000 training hours.
Furthermore, CETEM is recognised as Technological Innovation Centre, and is member of the National Federation of Technological Centres and the European Network on Research, Innovation and Training Area for the Forest and Wood Sector (Innovawood).

The Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (ACR+), is an international non-profit association. ACR+ is an international network of cities and regions who share the aim of promoting smart resource consumption and sustainable management of waste through prevention at source, reuse and recycling. Through its activities, ACR+ strives to develop the expertise and skills of public authorities in effective waste product-resource policies, as well as encourage practical action. The association provides support to regional and local authorities in their new challenges and promotes cooperation and partnership to develop ecoefficient solutions.