The GREENER training materials a useful resource to engage SMEs in GPP

During the months of May-July, GREENER partners organised a pilot testing to gather feedback on the training modules in each partner’s country through an online survey. In total, the GREENER partners collected 68 responses from experts coming from different backgrounds.

Responses to the surveys show that the GREENER training course was not the first training on Public Procurement for most of the participants. However, for the vast majority it was the first on Green Public Procurement (GPP). In general, participants evaluated positively the training modules and its content, defining the modules as a useful resource to engage SMEs in GPP. The easiness of the training process, the richness of the content and the flexibility of the modules were also praised. Indeed, as the training course is composed of five individual modules, participants are encouraged to follow the training they consider the most interesting/useful for them without having to go through all five modules. The respondents also found useful the questionnaire provided to evaluate the level of understanding for each module.

Moreover, some recommendations were given to improve the modules. For instance, by including more practical examples on GPP implementation, translating the training material in the national language to reach a wider audience, or providing videos showcasing practical examples.

Finally, participants also had the opportunity to test their skills of identifying green and social clauses in a public tender and gave their feedback on what could be added to improve it.

The feedback collected after the pilot testing has been gathered in four national reports:

Belgian Pilot report

Bulgarian Pilot report

Italian Pilot report

-Spanish Pilot report