One of the action plans of Navarra is the approval of the first regional Green Public Procurement Plan. Thanks to the LCA4Regions project and the experienced learned from other European partners (Slovenia, Poland or Finland) Government of Navarra, with the support of the public organisation Environmental Management of Navarra, has elaborated the draft document of the plan to boost environment consideration in tenders.
- Training and accompaniment to the personnel of the Public Administration
- Market involvement in promoting GPP
- Integration of the GPP in the existing tools and development of own material
- Communication
The process for the approval of the plan takes its time, and its finalisation is foreseen for the first semester 2023. Meanwhile, some of the actions planned have been started in 2022 without waiting the finalisation of the administrative process.
One of these actions is the training to public purchasers. On 26 and 28 October, 13 public officers attended a 6 hours course carried out by two experts covering the legal and environmental aspects of tenders. The training was a mix of theoretical and practical information with an active participation of attendees. During the theoretical part, what a green public procurement is, its benefits and the European, national and regional policy context was presented. The practical part covered the groups of products or services where environmental considerations can be included in tenders and a variety of real cases to discuss with attendees.
After the course, the participants answered and evaluation survey with a valuation rate of 4.7 out of 5. The best aspects evaluated by attendees were the contents of the course and the expert presenters.
In 2023, this successful training will be repeated to Government of Navarra staff and spread out to public municipalities and other public organisations.