GREENER project – Charter of Commitment

For two years, the partners of the GREENER project have worked to develop several tools and resources aiming to support SMEs in understanding the benefits of Green and Circular Public Procurement (GPP/CPP), explain how to participate in green public tenders, and to offer training providers necessary resources to organise capacity building activities for SMEs and public authorities to improve the adoption of GPP. The tools, namely the training material, the toolbox and the national reports are available on the project’s website.

As a conclusion of the project, the GREENER partners published a Charter of Commitment singed by 18 members of the GREENER advisory group. The aim of the Charter was to define a set of commitments that public authorities and companies could take in order to boost SMEs engagement in GPP/CPP. The Charter was signed by different stakeholders from different sectors including public institutions, educational institutions, confederations, companies and SMEs. You can find them signed here.