On 11-12 November 2021, GREENER project partners met in Yecla (Spain) during the second Consortium meeting. This meeting was an opportunity for partners to exchange ideas about the different project tasks, review the outcomes of the first project deliverable, to plan collaboratively the upcoming activities and to get to know better each other.
The first day started with the presentation by Cleantech Bulgaria about the first project outcome: the Skills framework. During the second part of the day, University of Santa Ana (SSSA) explained the main characteristics of the Training course for SMEs – duration, output’s deadlines, content of the educational curriculum, piloting of the educational programme, expected results, etc.
SSSA also introduced the aims of the curriculum for green procurement in companies and at the same time partners identified the actions/skills to be part of the curriculum. Based on those skills, partners defined the topics and content of the modules for the training course addressed to SMEs and discussed about their contribution, deadlines, and responsibilities of each partner for the development of the content of the curriculum.
On the second day, ACR+ presented the main characteristics of the Toolbox which will contain guidelines to engage companies in green and circular tenders, will give orientation to VET providers on designing I-vet and C-VET programs and will gather factsheets on good practices of I-vet and C-VET programs/modules on CPP and GPP. In order to reach the expected outcomes, partners will invite key stakeholders in each of the partner countries to be part of the GREENER Advisory Group (AB). The main role of the AB will be to give feedback to the project results (the Skills framework and the Training course), while it will be an opportunity for companies, public authorities, VET providers, and others to exchange their views during two workshops that will take place during the first semester of 2022.