The aim of the National reports is to highlight the key takeaway messages gathered through the two Advisory Group (AG) consultations which took place between May and September 2022. The AG is made up of representants of public authorities, business associations, companies, experts on public procurement, and national government.
The first meeting focused on the process of identifying which skills were missing to participate on GPP (based on the interviews performed in each partner country), and which content should be included in the training modules to cover the skills gap. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss about the barriers that SMEs face to participate in GPP and the drivers. The National reports allow to make a comparison between the barriers faced in each country, and it is possible to see certain differences, also influenced by the different level of implantation of GPP policies. Another point of discussion was on how to best engage SMEs that are not yet participating in Public Procurement. Public authorities could facilitate their engagement through Meet the buyer events. Participants from the different countries agreed that more practical examples/best practices specific to each country are needed for SMEs. Tax relief for companies participating in GPP could be a driver too for more participation. Countries should also follow the example of Italy and implement a series of compulsory Minimum Environmental Criteria in all public tenders.
The second meeting was organized to present the pilot test results and gather external feedback on the pilot methodology.
Participants shared their views on whether such initiatives could increase SMEs participation in GPP/CPP and the potential channels for replication. These type of training courses could be used by training providers, such as Universities, or be integrated on courses already given on public procurement, integrating a sustainability component.
The National reports are available here: