Paticipation of GREENER in the #ErasmusDays (VIDEO)

On the 14th of October, GREENER project has participated in the #ErasmusDays through a video realised by ACR+, alongside with three other Erasmus+ projects, GreenSportHub, CYCLE and CEYOU. The video presents the involvement of ACR+ in the four Erasmus+ projects.

After seeing cities and regions from the network and outside taking steps to strengthen circular economy aspects in vocational training, ACR+ understood that its role as an international network is to share these experiences with educators, policy makers, and all those supporting local circular economy loops through educational tools.

Greener has the ambition to increase the skills of SMEs and public authorities involved in circular and green public procurement. Through interviews, workshops, training courses and a toolbox, the project aims at overcoming the barriers that hamper the diffusion of circular and public procurement.

If you are interested in watching the video, you can find it [HERE]

You can find also more information on the Erasmus+ [website].