New guide to support Levels indicators into public procurement process

A new guide to support the incoporation of LCA, LCC and/or IAQ indicators in public procurement has been released. Its objective is to help public authority to implement it in their own projects. The guide is based on several EU examples and best practices.

Level(s) is a voluntary reporting framework to improve the sustainability of buildings. Using existing standards, Level(s) provides a common EU approach to the assessment of environmental performance in the built environment. Within the Level(s) framework, each indicator is designed to link the individual building’s impact with the priorities for sustainability at the European level. This focuses the Level(s) user on a manageable number of essential concepts and indicators at building level that contribute to achieving EU and Member State environmental policy goals.

This guide has been developed in the framework of the LIFE Level(s) project ( that aims to recognize the value of sustainable buildings in Europe through increased awareness and use of the indicators specified within the Level(s) Framework. With this in mind, the ‘Green Public Procurement Good Practice Guide’ has been developed to help public authorities implement it in their own project.

You can access to the guide here: