GREENER presented at EURADA’s Policy co-creation workshop

On 31 May 2022, ACR+ presented GREENER at the Policy co-creation workshop, organised by the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) in the framework of the H2020 XPRESS project. The project gives support to public procurements to facilitate the collaboration between SMEs and the public sector for the adoption of renewable energy sources in regions.

The Policy co-creation workshop aimed at discussing how to overcome the bureaucratic, financial and technical barriers that hinder the full involvement of public administrations and innovative companies in the development of GPP in the renewable energy sector. In this workshop the projects GPP4growth and GPP-STREAM were also invited, which was an opportunity to exchange results and identify future opportunities of cooperation between projects.

For instance, because of its work on identification of barriers for SMEs to apply for GPP, XPRESS partners found very insightful the work developed under the GREENER project: the Skills framework and the results of the interviews carried out in the 4 partner countries (Italy Bulgaria, Spain and Belgium). This led to fruitful discussions on barriers identified and on possible ways to overcome them. In addition, the XPRESS project is also developing Policy recommendations, which will be shared with GREENER partners for potential contribution.

The final conference of the XPRESS project took place in Brussels on 29 June 2022 with the view to showcase the results stemming from 3 years of research and interactions with SMEs and public authorities. ACR+ joined a roundtable with other sister projects, showcasing GREENER results and the upcoming project activities.