Cleantech Bulgaria is a widely recognized network for innovations in clean technologies and sustainable development, operating to implement new strategies and business models leading to a shift to climate neutral and resource efficient business, society and life through fostering a holistic innovation ecosystem via strong partnerships of leading companies, universities, research infrastructures, organizations, and governmental institutions.
Striving to promote the green innovation and sustainable development and to support SMEs and VET providers, Cleantech Bulgaria is partner in many EU projects aimed at identifying their needs to implement a successful twin transition.
GREENER project is a step toward achieving this goal by promoting GPP participation equipping SMEs and Public Authorities with the needed skills and competences. During the first phase of the project the existing skills gaps were identified and based on this was develоped GPP skills framework for middle management and administrative profile. The second phase of the project is dedicated to the development of Modular training course for acquiring appropriate practical skills, knowledge and access to information and training toolbox to support the development of I/C-VET programmes to help companies successfully apply for tenders that incorporate GPP requirements.
In order to maximise GREENER project impact and to provide sustainability of the training materials produced, Cleantech Bulgaria has established synergies with the ongoing INGENIOUS project, thus enabling complementarity and mutual benefits.
INGENIOUS – strengthenINg diGital pEdagogy skills aNd competencIes Of edUcatorS is an Erasmus+ project that addresses the issue of digital illiteracy among VET educators by exploiting innovative ICT technologies. The aim of the project is to build an innovative training model and path through determining the level and assessment of digital and green skills of teachers in the field of vocational education and training (VET), as well as development of innovative VOOC platform with integrated courses and learning content.
Through the implementation of the INGENIOUS project, a dedicated survey targeting VET educators and SME representatives from all partner countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, and Slovenia) was launched, aiming to identify the current situation in Green Economy field. The following outcomes were summarised from the conduction of the survey:
- There is a lack of knowledge regarding main concepts such as sustainability, circularity, software skills and interactive applications for better provision of the content and retaining the attention of the learners;
- There is a need for awareness rising regarding legislation, green and circular economy, and its practical application in SMEs’ management;
- All participants understand the importance of “greening” their work and are aware of the EUs priorities. All share the opinion that the need for a „green” skilled workforce is rising and a big investment should be addressed towards up-skilling and reskilling it.
The role of Cleantech Bulgaria in the INGENIOUS project, in terms of creating training content, is to develop the training module “Use of resources and Circular Economy”. The course aims at introducing learners to the basic vocabulary, theory and legislation related to the EU Green Deal, digitalisation, and circular economy as a good knowledge of the EU legislative framework is an essential prerequisite for successful business development.
According to many studies and examples, the inclusion of “green“ criteria to Public Procurements is contributing to the delivery of a more circular European economy. Undoubtedly the GPP and the modular training materials developed under GREENER project will complement the content of the learning module “Use of resources and Circular Economy” to be developed under the INGENIOUS project. This will ensure continuity between projects, sustainability and wider dissemination of the results and will extend the reach and impact of the GREENER project to other European countries; thus, a wider range of stakeholders will be able to benefit from the Modular training course produced.