Accelerating the green transition with Circular Public Procurement

On 1 June 2022 GREENER and ProCirc partners co-organised the event ‘’Accelerating the green transition with Circular Public Procurement’’ as part of the EU Green Week. The event, moderated by ACR+, reflected on the challenges to engage SMEs in circular and green procurement (CPP/GPP), and how to measure the impact of circular tenders from the perspective of both, buyers and suppliers.

Cleantech Bulgaria, as the coordinator of the GREENER project presented the methodology followed for the preparation of the Training modules and how partners are structuring the work to reach the project main objective: to facilitate the engagement of SMEs in CPP/GPP. This presentation was followed by Klein Nordic, a Danish SME specialised on the collection and refurbishment of electronic equipment, who introduced their experience on monitoring and data collection.

Two ProCirc pilots represented by Kamp C and the Government of Flanders, shared their experience on how they measured the impacts of CPP (e.g. reduction of CO2 emissions, kg of waste avoided) and how they involved SMEs in the procurement process.

Finally, a representative from DG GROW (the European Commission) presented the latest EU updates on CPP/GPP, bringing to light the tools available to facilitate public procurement to smaller enterprises, and the supporting instruments at EU level available for buyers.

The recording is available here.